OCC_Race_Committee Archives


Ray Rinaldi

November 8th 2018 MDT

I would like to bring the BoD attention to the West Side Boxing Association. We raised the paltry sum of $300 for them as a donation from sponsors of the 2017 Race Weekend.I firmly believe that is no other organization at any level in Syracuse/Onondaga County to help kids at risk to stay off the streets and out of harms way.Please take the time to read the article in today’s Post Standard and hopefully we can find a way to help Ray, 89 year old Ray to keep up his constant fight to help the underprivileged youth in our c ...Continue Reading

Re: OCC Syracuse Road Race Update

August 10th 2018 MDT

I’ll forward this message to CRCA. They had some teams inquiring so we will let them know of your decision.On Aug 10, 2018, at 9:27 AM, Todd Relyea brewer13210@PROTECTED [OCC_Race_Committee] <occ_race_comm@PROTECTED> wrote: Good morning everyone,Regarding the OCC Syracuse Road Race Classic on the 19th, both Colleen and I independently came to the same conclusion this week.  With registration sitting at 11 a week before the race, and the BikeReg registration predictor estimating 38 total registrations for ...Continue Reading

OCC Syracuse Road Race Update

August 10th 2018 MDT

Good morning everyone,Regarding the OCC Syracuse Road Race Classic on the 19th, both Colleen and I independently came to the same conclusion this week.  With registration sitting at 11 a week before the race, and the BikeReg registration predictor estimating 38 total registrations for the event, we both decided that it was better to cancel the event rather than take a substantial financial loss on it.No doubt it's disappointing but I'd like to thank everyone for all the work they put in to the race this year.Of cou ...Continue Reading

Re: Fwd: Onondaga Cycling Club Races

July 2nd 2018 MDT

I thought Colleen was in charge of volunteersOn Jul 1, 2018, at 10:09 PM, Todd Relyea brewer13210@PROTECTED [OCC_Race_Committee] <occ_race_comm@PROTECTED> wrote: Chuck,Thanks!We've sent direct e-mail to everyone whose participated in an OCC race in the last five years (just short of 1000 individuals), and we'll continue that until registration closes.FYI, last week after being contacted by several local and not so local female racers and based on the long discussions that followed, we've added an option for t ...Continue Reading

Re: Fwd: Onondaga Cycling Club Races

July 1st 2018 MDT

Chuck,Thanks!We've sent direct e-mail to everyone whose participated in an OCC race in the last five years (just short of 1000 individuals), and we'll continue that until registration closes.FYI, last week after being contacted by several local and not so local female racers and based on the long discussions that followed, we've added an option for the Cat 3 women to race either the 33 or 59 mile course.  The flyer, bikereg, occ site, etc., have all been updated to reflect that.The race is been posed to the OCC hom ...Continue Reading

Fwd: Onondaga Cycling Club Races

July 1st 2018 MDT

The CRCA is going to post our race to their members. There are hundreds of racers in their club. Also distributed flyers to the local shops in Rockland Co. They were great and posted them on their wall and Piermont Bike posted them on the main entrance door.  How are we doing about getting the club all excited about our main event?Chuck DBegin forwarded message:From: *"Julius Quito (CRCA Club Racing)" <clubracing@PROTECTED>Subject: *Re: Onondaga Cycling Club Races*Date: *July 1, 2018 at 4:10:24 PM E ...Continue Reading

Re: Onondaga Cycling Club Races

June 28th 2018 MDT

Hey Guys ,Hopefully this is good news. We have changed the date for our race and are just going with a road race. The new date is August 19 and if you want to double up for the weekend there is another road race on Saturday up the road in Oswego.If you have never ridden in Central NY you really are missing the best riding in NYS. Lots of roads with very little traffic, all the hills you could ever want and beautiful lakes everyplace.  And cheap motels. Great restaurants and prices that are nothing like NYC.here’s t ...Continue Reading

Re: [occ2] OCC news update

June 24th 2018 MDT

Thanks Colleen,I just printed out some copies of the flyer and I will get them to some shops in Rockland County tomorrow. And since we have changed the date I will contact CRCA to see if they may have any interest. They had a conflict with the poor dateWe can hopefully get flyers out to the local shops soon.  Any volunteers?  Also we should mention the race on NYSBRA as a news item. I don’t know if I can post on NYSBRA.Chuck DPS The flyer looks GREAT! I assume that is the work of Dave V.On Jun 24, 2018, at 8:2 ...Continue Reading

2018 race

June 23rd 2018 MDT

Ok, we’re making some headway. The course and date are now on our website. It is listed under the heading RaceWeekend which no longer exists. This, I would think might get a little confusing. Do we have a flyer printed out? As I stated previously I am traveling downstate and the shops have agreed to post flyers if we provided some. I know it sounds old fashion but hard copy advertising really does work. Why keep our race a secret when we have such a great event? When are we going to announce to the club that we hav ...Continue Reading

Re: website update

June 15th 2018 MDT

The new updates are under OCC Racing. I missed that . What I was looking at was Syracuse Race Weekend which has all the info for last years race. On Jun 15, 2018, at 2:31 PM, Colleen Farrell cf_jb@PROTECTED [OCC_Race_Committee] <occ_race_comm@PROTECTED> wrote: Hi Chuck, I'm working on an OCC newsletter to send out to the list serv which would include a section about the race.  I'm just waiting on a couple of things before I send it out, likely next week sometime.  Our website has the new date f ...Continue Reading
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