Fwd: 2018 Syracuse Race Weekend -

From: "Todd Relyea brewer13210@PROTECTED [OCC_Race_Committee]" <occ_race_comm@PROTECTED>
In-Reply-To: (no subject)
Date: July 19th 2017

Hey folks,

Sometimes I forget that everyone might not be on the same mailing lists we use for social media and to contact racers.

Below is a copy of the e-mail that went out on MailChimp with the text of the message we were working on last week.� It went out to everyone whose done the race in the last 5 years, and it was also posted on FB.

On FB there was a discussion in favor of the road bike time trial as we discussed at the last meeting.� Below I've included some of the messages I received in response to the Mailchimp e-mail:

You�ve hit on, what I think are probably the biggest areas for improvement: adjusting to make a 3 event/day race, tightening proximity of events to minimize �in between� travel, and late July event timeframe. All are spot on adjustments.


Phil Batten

Great race! Very much appreciate posting race results as fast as possible. I vote to eliminate the hill climb. That I stink at it is a factor in my vote.�

Cheers - Dan

Dear Todd,

Great to hear you're already working on the race for 2018. If at all possible I'll be back after missing this year, which I hated to do!

I think going to two days and three events is the best thing, as much as I like having four. I really think the three should be TT,crit, and of course as you say the road race.

We were all sad when we heard the crit venue had changed, but those who did it said the new one was probably even better than the old one, so hope you can keep that one (or going back to Onandaga Park would be fine too).

One thing I've been a little disappointed in the past two or three years is the very short distance of the road race for the 55+ (and I think even 45+?). I know it's a lot of manpower needed, but if you could go back to a two-loop, two major hill road race course for more of the fields, I think that would serve the purpose of the hillclimb if it's eliminated, as well as making for a more challenging and selective road race. If you did that, having the finish on the flat in the village would still give the guys who aren't pure climbers a good shot. Just my two cents.

Thanks for all you and your colleagues do in putting on the race!

All best,

I love the race and would like to attend. A July date is much better than a day in June that conflicts with Crit week or many other local races. I think the ideal today schedule would be time trial Saturday morning current Saturday afternoon and road race on Sunday. I would also love to see some of the Masters groups combined it to have bigger fields say 40+ and 55+ or something like that.

Thanks for all the hard work trying to keep this race alive.


Todd Relyea

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 2018 Syracuse Race Weekend
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 11:32:32 +0000
From: Syracuse Race Weekend
Reply-To: brewer13210@PROTECTED
To: brewer13210@PROTECTED

2018 Syracuse Race Weekend
Planning for the 2018 Syracuse Race Weekend
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Looking ahead for the 2018 Syracuse Race Weekend

First of all we want to thank the racers for traveling to Syracuse this year for the 22nd Race Weekend, providing very competitive fields.�Race Weekend continued to be an international event with participants from across the US, Canada and from as far away as Australia. ��We would also like to thank our volunteers who always make the�race a�fun and well run event.

We got the best feedback ever from the racers this year and the changes we made to the criterium venue and our prompt results were appreciated by everybody involved. The stars aligned to provide great weather all weekend long, where we enjoyed a lot of fast and fun racing.

Over the 22 years we�ve been holding this race, we�ve always looked to make adjustments to the format and venues for Race Weekend to keep it competitive for racers and fun for spectators. We�ve don�t have all of the details for 2018 worked out just yet, but based on the feedback and surveys we�ve done, we can tell you that we are making some changes that everyone should enjoy.

Next year the omnium will be a 3 event, 2 day race instead of the 3-day format we've been using. That will make travel and cost a lot easier for everybody. We promise to make things compact and easier for everyone to get to the venues and have time in between to adequately prepare. We are still planning which event will be eliminated but the omnium will definitely still include the road race. The date will most likely be in late July 2018 when the Road Race schedule is otherwise very sparse.

So stay tuned and we will keep everyone posted on what will be happening for next years race.

If you have any feedback or ideas please let us know. We are open to everyone and every idea. This is all about putting on an event that we can all have fun with.


The Onondaga Cycling Club is an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

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