I’m glad we aren’t relying on USAC
Begin forwarded message:
From: USAC Officials Scheduler mapei09@PROTECTED Subject: USAC Race Assignment Date: July 25, 2017 at 11:14:17 AM EDT To: Chuck Dominick chuckdominick@PROTECTED
You have been assigned to the Syracuse Race Weekend & NYS RR Day 3 race on 06/25/2017
Contact your Local Administrator of officials or the Chief Referee (Michael Doupe lancdoup@yahoo com) if you are not available to work this race
Start a new thread, email: occ_race_comm@onondagacyclingclub.org
A list of people who are involved in OCC Race planning activities
Your information will be used solely for communication regarding OCC race planning. This list will not be sold or given to any other organization.